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St Heliers

10 Turua Street St Heliers Auckland, St Heliers, Auckland, New Zealand

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Miss Kate Birks

Miss Kate Birks


Kate completed her Physiotherapy training at The University of Nottingham in the UK and graduated in 2012. She has worked in private practices in the UK and with professionals and local sports clubs. Kate moved over to NZ in 2015 where she continued her passion for physio. She uses a ‘hands on’ approach combined with acupuncture, mobilisation techniques and strength & conditioning to achieve optimal results. Kate is trained in the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) and Y Balance Test which are specialised assessments aimed at identifying dysfunctional movement patterns. Kate has competed at National Level for athletics and enjoys snowboarding, crossfit, netball & the gym. Kate has run 2 marathons and competed at the Masters Games for swimming. View details »

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