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Jellie Park

Jellie Park 295 Ilam Rd, Burnside, Christchurch 8014

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Miss Sofia Scharunovych

Miss Sofia Scharunovych


Sofia graduated from Texas Woman’s University (United States) with a Doctor of Physical Therapy. She went on to complete a Sports Residency at Texas Children’s Hospital to become specialized in assessing and treating sport-related injuries in the adolescent population. She worked with numerous adolescent athletes and was highly involved with returning them to their sport, along with performing venue and training room coverage for athletic events. She also has experience working with a broad range of musculoskeletal and orthopaedic conditions across all age ranges. Her treatment approach focuses on an individualized plan utilizing specific exercise selection, manual therapy, and incorporating her patient’s goals into their rehabilitation. Sofia is a former competitive gymnast and has conducted research surrounding injury prevention in this athletic population. Outside of work Sofia enjoys running, hiking, and rock climbing. View details »

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Miss Kirsten Evans

Miss Kirsten Evans


Kirsten graduated from the University of Otago with a Bachelor of Science majoring in Anatomy before pursuing her Bachelor of Physiotherapy, completed in 2017. Subsequently she has completed her Post Graduate certificate in Sports Physiotherapy and is a certified Mulligan practitioner. Kirsten is a senior musculoskeletal physiotherapist and has extensive experience in pre/post op physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, sports injuries, concussion headaches and TMJ. She has worked across a variety of sporting codes and has a keen interest in returning individuals to their sport after injury and limiting the risk of reinjury once they return. As a keen Kareteka herself, Kirsten has a special interest in martial arts injuries and when not at work you will find her in the Dojo where she has trained for the last decade or out mountain biking around Canterbury. View details »

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Mrs Jo Dowle

Mrs Jo Dowle

Pelvic Health Physiotherapist

Jo has been a physiotherapist for almost 20 years and has studied and worked in New Zealand and Nepal. She spent the early part of her career working in musculoskeletal physiotherapy and developed strong manual therapy skills. After having her own children Jo became frustrated at the lack of help for women with complications post birth or those who wanted a directed way back into all levels of sport and exercise leading to further study in pelvic floor physiotherapy. Utilizing these skills, she now offers a truly comprehensive successful physiotherapy approach to pelvic health issues and pre and postnatal care. Jo has successfully helped many post-natal mothers get back into sport, women who struggling to maintain bladder or bowel continence, diastasis rehabilitation pelvic pain and spinal cord patients regain bowel and bladder control. She is able to fit pessaries to those with prolapse or stress incontinence to help them return to sport. View details »

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