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Ms Lauren Spring

Ms Lauren Spring

Hand Therapist

Lauren is a skilled Hand Therapist who has been providing exceptional care to her clients for over 6 years. Lauren has expertise in treating hand and upper limb conditions, as well as musculoskeletal issues. She is passionate about seeing clients improve their function and return to meaningful activities through Hand Therapy. View details »


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Miss Deane Bell

Miss Deane Bell

Hand Therapist

With 16+ years' experience in her field, Deane is a highly skilled Hand and Scar Therapist. Deane’s extensive experience includes working in orthopaedics, child development and out-patient rehabilitation. Prior to joining Align Health, Deane worked in the Hand Therapy, Burns & Scar Management Team at Waikato Hospital. Deane works closely with local plastic and orthopaedic surgeons to treat clients with a range of upper limb conditions including acute trauma (e.g. fractures, dislocations), nerve conditions (e.g. carpal tunnel) , post-operative care and overuse and pain conditions (e.g. tennis and golfers’ elbow, De Quervains). View details »


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