If no appointments are showing, or you cannot find a suitable time, please phone us 0800 SEE MOTUS

Dunedin Mornington Pilates Studio

Back In Motion Mornington 171 Eglinton Road, Mornington, Dunedin 9011

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Session 2 Mornington

Session 2 Mornington


Members Only: Studio sessions are limited for easy access to the studio equipment. Select 30 or 60 minutes from the options to secure your session time. Please bring a hand towel, socks, water bottle and suitable clothing with you. Not a member? Phone 03 453 0523 to book an Initial with an Instructor. View details »

Dunedin Mornington Pilates Studio

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Session 1 Mornington

Session 1 Mornington


Members Only: Studio sessions are limited for easy access to the studio equipment. Select 30 or 60 minutes from the options to secure your session time. Please bring a hand towel, socks, water bottle and suitable clothing with you. Not a member? Phone 03 453 0523 to book an Initial with an Instructor. View details »

Dunedin Mornington Pilates Studio

All Sites