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Mr Ciaran Regan

Mr Ciaran Regan


Ciaran is from Auckland and completed his Physiotherapy studies at Auckland University of Technology. He currently holds a Bachelor’s degree in Physiotherapy and Postgraduate Diploma in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy. Ciaran is currently completing his Master of Health Sciences. Ciaran has experience in a variety of rehabilitation areas including: stroke rehabilitation, acute respiratory care, sports physiotherapy and private musculoskeletal practice. He currently works with a variety of people helping to diagnose and manage complex musculoskeletal problems. He is a member of Physiotherapy New Zealand and Sport and Exercise Physiotherapy New Zealand. He is also on the Executive Committee for the New Zealand Manipulative Physiotherapy Association. Ciaran has teaching roles through NZMPA and Auckland University around peripheral nervous system disorders. Specific regions of interest include hip, neck, lower back and neurological injuries, such as thoracic outlet syndrome. Management interests include strength and conditioning, behavioural interventions, neuromuscular retraining and active flexibility development. View details »

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