Chris treats a wide variety of conditions causing musculoskeletal or limb pain and has a keen interest in treating people with headaches. He has years of experience in working with back, neck, and shoulder pain, as well as providing athletes with optimal performance and gains. View details »
Margie completed a five-year Chiropractic degree in Melbourne in 1989 and her main interest lies in maximizing the potential of the athlete. View details »
Sarah has over 20 years of knowledge in the diagnosis and treatment of neck pain, back pain and headaches. She is well respected in these areas and has undertaken many postgraduate studies to complement her practical skills.
Sarah understands the role that poor posture and ergonomics have on causing persistent pain and has extensive knowledge in the best approach and exercises to improve both posture and function.
Sarah began her career in Melbourne, Australia in 2001, after completing a 5 year University degree in Health Science and Chiropractic. She later worked in a number of clinics in Hamilton, Waikato focusing on both acute and chronic injuries.
Everyone is different, and it is important to Sarah that treatment is individually determined based on the client's age and their symptoms.
Sarah appreciates the opportunity provided at Sports Clinic to integrate chiropractic with other health disciplines. View details »