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Mr Paul Keating

Mr Paul Keating


Paul is originally from Ireland and graduated in 2017 from the University of Essex in the UK. Prior to this he obtained his bachelor’s degree in Sport and Exercise Science from the University of Limerick in Ireland. He has worked in private practice in the UK, Ireland and Australia before moving to New Zealand earlier this year. Paul utilises a hands-on treatment approach to reduce clients’ pain and has a strong focus on movement and exercise-based rehabilitation to restore function and prevent injury recurrence. He has further training in dry needling, which he finds can also be very useful tool in aiding recovery. Paul’s clinical interests include conditions of the spine, the shoulder and the knee. Away from the clinic Paul can generally be found outside, with surfing, hiking and camping being big passions of his. Paul has played hurling and Gaelic footy since childhood and also enjoys taking part in triathlons and adventure races. As an active person Paul appreciates how important pain free movement is to our overall wellbeing and he strives to get everyone he sees back to doing what makes them happy. View details »

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