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Mr John Gilmour

Mr John Gilmour


Born and raised in Devonport, John attended Takapuna Grammar and represented the school in rugby and sailing. John in recent years has become an avid fisher, diver and outdoor sports man. After graduation from AUT Physiotherapy College in 1983, he worked at North Shore hospital, before extending his knowledge with a Postgraduate Diploma in Manipulative Therapy. While building his own practice in Herne Bay, John identified a treatment gap for back and neck pain with emphasis on nerve root compression signs and symptoms, particularly in regards to lower back pain. Through this, he began working with Kate Haswell to develop the Gilmour System. John is now an internationally-recognised published researcher. His specialist interest is in the application of engineering and biomechanical principles to resolve back pain, by addressing the original cause, rather than simply focusing on symptom relief. View details »

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