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45 Mackelvie Street, Ponsonby, Auckland

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Mr Max Jackson

Mr Max Jackson


Max graduated in 2008 with a Bachelor of Science with Honours in Physiotherapy. Graduating from Salford University in England, Max gained a wealth of experience working in hospitals and private clinics in the UK before moving to New Zealand and joining Ponsonby Physio in early 2017. Max treats a diverse range of patients, conditions and injuries – from musculoskeletal and sports injuries, to pre-and post-operative orthopaedic surgeries, fractures, chronic pain, muscle imbalance, occupational injuries and more. Max is a highly experienced musculoskeletal physiotherapist who utilises a wide range of physiotherapy treatments to help his patients on their road to recovery. With a passion for exercise therapy and Strength and Conditioning, Max can design and implement exercise programmes to help rehabilitate and improve the performance of his patients. He is qualified in performing Functional Movement Screens which allow him to assess his client's movement and use the screen results to guide his decisions for corrective exercise programming and design. Further Qualifications: AACP Foundation Acupuncture & Dry Needling, APPI level 1 Pilates, Mulligan's Manual Therapy level 1, ASCA Level 1 Strength and Conditioning, McKenzie Institute – The Lumbar Spine Mechanical Diagnosis & Therapy, Pinc & Steel - Steel Cancer Rehabilitation Physiotherapist Certification, Functional Movement Systems – Functional Movement View details »

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Ms Laura  Quinn

Ms Laura Quinn


Laura has spent the last 16 years polishing her skills as a musculoskeletal physiotherapist working in private practice settings within New Zealand, Australia and the UK. During this time, she has developed special interests in spinal and pelvic dysfunction, biomechanical imbalances, and sporting injuries. Laura feels taking time for a thorough assessment is important for an accurate diagnosis. She then uses a holistic treatment approach including a variety of treatment modalities – breathing retraining, body awareness, core and postural strengthening through pilates rehabilitation, acupuncture & dry needling, and manual therapy techniques. Laura is a qualified PINC cancer rehabilitation therapist and this is a part of her job that she is extremely passionate about. Hobbies & Interests: Travel, outdoor adventures, photography, the beach & summer, keeping fit with running, yoga, paddle boarding & swimming, nature, and socialising with family and friends. More recently becoming a mum to Arthur and Reggie. Further Qualifications: Post Graduate Papers in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy (Breathing Mechanics) 2017; APPI Pilates Level 1, 2 & 3 (Qualified 2016) and AACP Western Acupuncture and Dry Needling (2013), PINC Cancer Rehabilitation Therapist (2017). Completing APPI Reformer PIlates Level 1, 2 and 3 Qualifications. View details »

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Mrs Moira Dickson

Mrs Moira Dickson


Moira has just over three years experience in helping patients achieve their physical goals and improve their overall well-being. Her experience has includedtreating a diverse range of injuries and conditions, including post-surgical rehabilitation and sports injuries. Moira is skilled in using a variety of techniques and approaches, including manual therapy, exercise prescription, and dry needling. During a consultation, Moira will work with you to determine the most effective treatments and interventions for your specific needs and goals. Moira is also committed to staying up to date on the latest research and developments in the field, and regularly attends continuing education courses and workshops to further her knowledge and skills. View details »

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