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Level 1, Otago Community House, 227 Moray Place, Dunedin 9016

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Ms Melissa Racouillat

Ms Melissa Racouillat


Melissa earned her Doctorate in Physiotherapy from Samuel Merritt University, in the United States, in 2007. She practiced in the United States in the orthopaedic outpatient realm for 14 years, before taking her career to New Zealand. She has worked in a variety of settings from private sports clinics to hospital affiliated outpatient clinics, treating clients from professional athletes to children and the elderly. Outside of work she loves to travel and partake in outdoor activities including everything from mountain climbing, long distance running, biking, paddleboarding and going on long tramps with her family. View details »


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Ms Kara Dolny

Ms Kara Dolny


Kara graduated from Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff Arizona, USA in 2017. Before moving to New Zealand, Kara worked for nearly five years at a private physiotherapy clinic in California, where she treated clients with musculoskeletal and neurologic injuries/diseases. She has experience in treating various musculoskeletal injuries, neurologic conditions such as Parkinson's and stroke, as well as post-surgical rehabilitation. Outside of work, Kara enjoys activities like hiking, gardening, cooking, and exercise. View details »


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Ms Calie Gilbert

Ms Calie Gilbert


Calie is a seasoned physiotherapist from the Mighty Waikato, who brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise in areas of MSK outpatients, sports injuries and older persons rehabilitation. She graduated from Auckland University of Technology (AUT) in 1999. She is currently the team physio for the Waikato U20 Woman’s basketball team and has been a team physio for Premier Rugby teams in Hamilton. Calie’s career highlight was working alongside the Chiefs physio where she got to treat and work with All Black legends Jonah Lomu, Todd Miller, Frank Bunce and Walter Little. Calie uses a hands on approach by utilizing her dry needling skills and the body tool for myofascial release work and pain and injury management. More recently Calie has completed a certificate in Pelvic Health and is a registered practitioner with ACC. She enjoys weaving Korowai and Kete and is currently undertaking her certificate in Level 5 Toi Paematua Raranga at Te Wanganga o Aotearoa (TWOA). View details »


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