Originally from Christchurch, Megan moved to Dunedin to study physiotherapy and was convinced to call Dunedin home. She graduated in 2016 from the University of Otago with a Bachelor of Physiotherapy.
Megan is passionate about working with individuals as part of a team environment, having worked with multiple rugby and football clubs, as well as supporting athletes in the community, as she has spent time in the Edgar Centre’s Injury Clinic, and worked at the NZ Masters’ Games, NZ Colgate Games and NZ Secondary Schools’ Athletics Champs.
Being a hockey player, tennis player and rock-climber herself, Megan is passionate about returning athletes to their sport quickly and understands the importance of injury prevention and education. Additionally, Megan likes to collaborate with her patient’s personal trainers to optimise their clinical outcomes and reduce their injury time.
Megan has completed post-graduate training in dry needling, strength and conditioning and sideline injury management and enjoys using these skills on a range of client ages and conditions.
I love to help people help themselves – showing them ways to do better at doing the things they love. It is so important that injuries don’t limit or deter people from feeling healthy. I love the sense of achievement I feel when I help someone achieve their goals.
My personal interests are:
Return to sport, F45, post-op and long-term rehabilitation patients
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